Saturday, November 29, 2008

So Epic

So shelby, jeremy, my brother, and i were driving home from luke's house last night. we were about 50 ft from the light at paseo and golf course when we saw a ton of police flashy lights and saw that they had a line of cones between each lane. so automatically we start thinking there was some major accident or something. so we keep driving and i start counting police cars. pretty much a total of like 12 in a 20 feet area. so we were stopped by a cop right before the light and he asks Shelby if shes been drinking, taking any narctocis, or on any presciption meds. course she said no then he looked in the back were the boys were to make sure there wasn't any crack. then they let us through. it was intense. we were like pretty much thanking God like crazy that Tyler or Ryan wasn't in the car cause they had been going on all night about how Shelby was high. im pretty sure if they were with us they would have opened their big mouths. so yea thank you, Jesus. anyways thats it. hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!!!!