Saturday, December 22, 2007

Am i the only one..

who says that shopping malls are depressing for people who aren't in a relationship? you walk around the mall and everywhere you turn there is a couple. its like watching a prom on tv. there are couples everywhere!!!!! its an interesting experience if your somoene who wants a relationship but doesn't. Before you enter the mall you are all happy and jolly like nothing is wrong then BAM! the second you step foot in the mall there is the sadness that comes with not having someone who really cares about you. its hard to not feel guilty either. Some of us have the privaledge of being in a relationship with the most amazing God ever and we fail to see how fulfilling that is. we want an erathly being to make us feel special and loved. why can't we just be happy with getting that from God? i wonder about this a lot especially yesterday. My family and i went to see I Am Legend (horrible movie btw) and i was suffocating under all the lovyness of couples. i don't know what it is about holidays, especially christmas, that makes you want to be close with someone. well that is my venting session, not my complainging session. If some of you think its complainging then fine but hey i need to take this out on something and my blog was the closest thing at hand. anyways hope whoever is reading this has a merry christmas and a happy new year


aurora said...


i know exactly what you're talking about- its painful for me to see anyone in a serious relationship together.

and yes, i do feel guilty about it. But i've been praying for contentment... so yeah

Marissa said...

i know.. ive been praying about it too.. and ill be keeping you in my prayers