Wednesday, December 19, 2007

1 more day!!!!!!!!!!!

AAAAAHHH so excited.. tomorrow is my last day of school till January 8th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man i so

need a break. Yesterday was my last spanish class for this semester and it was pretty

uneventful. My day though was pretty good because i finally figured out how to literally

crochet!!! so im trying to make a scarf but it keeps spazzing so ive had to redo it like 4 times.

Hopefully i will get it done cause i need a scarf. So i haven't really elaborated on Christmas which

is sad because its one of my favorite holidays. So normally we go to my aunt's on christmas eve

because they have this big open house with lots of football, food, and desserts. Well this year

they aren't doing it.. sniff.. so we are going to my grandma's. Im hoping it will be fun because Eve

at my aunt's was awesome!!! Then christmas day we are being bums cause my dad is working

then we are going to my great aunt and uncle's house for something. My dad is meeting us there

after work so im pretty excited about that. So normally this would make me sad but this is the

first year that i will have gone out and bought my family presents!!! I got my brother this air

soft pistol, my mom this cd of the band that she loved when she was younger, and my dad this

cd of a band that he really likes. So i hope everyone enjoys their gifts. So now im bored and i

have nothing more to write about so im going to go. feliz navidad!!!!