Saturday, June 20, 2009

im an idiot

so tonight miranda and i went job hunting. it was actually really fun. we went to the mall and pretty much went to any place we liked and asked for applications. she found some places that were hiring and so did i, along with journeys where i actually had an "interview" with the assistant manager. i hope i get it :D

best part of the day??? when miranda went into vans, and she asked one of the guys she knows who works there if they had any job applications. he said no and that they werent hiring. so she came out and told me that then said that the guy was hott. so i went in to ask for an application. here is what went down

me- hi do you guys have any job openings?
guy at desk- yea we do but we don't have any applications now but you can apply online (im summarizing cause i don't remember his exact words)
me- sweet thanks
him- let me get your name and number so i can give it to my manager so she can call you. you will have to print the app online and bring it in next time
me- umm ok well cant i just apply online?
him- yea but if you give me your number i can have the manager call you
me- ok

so silly me wrote down my name and number.

me- should i put "job interview" on the post it?
him- nah i just need your name and number so i can put this somewhere
me- ....ok....

so needless to say i said thanks, and i left to go tell miranda. (cause he told her they weren't hiring). so i got out and i was like... "he said they were hiring........ oh crap!!!!!"

needless to say i just realized that i gave my name and number to a guy who really didn't need it. i still don't know if he just did that to actually get my number or if he is really going to give it to the manager. but it was pretty stinkin hilarious cause that thought didn't enter my mind till after i did it. im a genius