Tuesday, June 03, 2008

a thing called love

so tonight my mom and i watched 27 dresses. normally i will try to avoid watching chic flicks but there was nothing else to do so i caved. it was an interesting movie. everyone prolly knows what its about so im not going to bother talking about the plot. one thing i will mention is the fact that even though she hadn't found the right guy, never had anything go her way, and had to put up with being the bridesmaid in 27 weddings, the lead character never lost hope in finding her one true love and having the wedding of her dreams. after watching it i started thinking. even though we feel like we will never find the right person, feel sometimes like we are alone, and feel like the world is against us, God has something else completely in store for us. He has someone uniquely special for each one of us. Even though we may feel alone and like everyone is against us, God will never leave us nor forsake us. He will always love us, care for us, and he always has out best intentions in mind. We may not think so at the time but everything that happens to us is for a reason. We may not have the love of people here on earth but we will always have the love of our Savior. Those thoughts, even though life is heck right now, are what keep me going. i hope this maybe has helped someone and if not, well its a venting session. hope someone got a kick out of it.



Robert said...

That was cool. I like doing that kinda stuff with movies.

Marissa said...

yea thats the first time ive done it. its pretty cool