Saturday, May 03, 2008


So last night was Buddy's suprise graduation party. It was a lot of fun. Buddy didn't have a reaction at all (which made me sad) but at least he didn't find out about it. So after Robert brought him to the house, we started eating yummy food and listening to who knows what. After eating we played 4 on a couch, have you seen my goat, duck duck goose, sardines, taboo, and mafia. while we were playing 4 on a couch, the thomas' futton thingy broke. so we lost the comfy "couch" and had to sit on the floor. Have you seen my goat was the same as it usually is:violent. duck duck goose was kinda boring because almost no one would bother chasing the person who called "goose" on them. so we got tired of that and switched to sardines. that was fun. guys are good at hiding. i called robert to try to figure out where he was the second time and even with him talking out loud, i still couldn't find him! i wasn't the last one to though so i was happy. then we went inside and played taboo (or was it taboo then sardines??). im pretty sure guys should never get a hold of the buzzer. its noise non stop till like a girl or really calm guy gets it. it was fun though. i think the girls beat the guys. then we played mafia. that was fun too. i never got to be killed by the mafia!!! only by a crazy guy who has a personal vendetta against me lol. so after mafia everyone pretty much went home. it was fun. can't beleive buddy's not a senior anymore. i wonder how his precious sweet girlfriend will handle his being gone at college. we will miss you!!!!


Robert said...

Your blog background, it is white. Did you know?

Marissa said...

yep i did know that. your very observant

Robert said...

Now it's grey. Is it supposed to do that?

Marissa said...

uuh yea. i failed at getting a background so i just put a color

Robert said...

lol I thought you had asked Rachel how to do it.

Marissa said...

lol i did but i couldn't figure it out