Wednesday, April 16, 2008

mid schoolers

so yesterday i had a doctor's appointment. ive had these things on my feet that HURT LIKE YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE! my mom and i didn't really know what they were which is why i was at the doctor's. good news was that the things were tumors or anything lol and they should be going away in about 2 months if i follow the instructions to get rid of them. so i was pretty happy about that. though i will still be having pain for prom and dancing on my feet so that kinda sucks. then i had to get a short to prevent this cancer crap and it hurt. *sniff* so i called my daddy and asked him if he could take me for ice cream. so since hes amazing he said we could go after we dropped off my brother at his small group. then when we got home and i found out that i got accepted to this summer program thing at New Mexico Tech this summer!!!! i was really happy about that. then after dinner my dad and i went to take my brother to his small group. so we got to the Thomas's house and since im retarded i decided to go and tell Robert and Elizabeth the good news about Tech. so i told Elizabeth and her reaction "Your a nerd. Why do you want to go to Tech?" lol so i had to explain to her that i AM nerd and i just like tech. then i told robert and he said "cool!" so i got one positive reaction. then i left and my dad and i went to Coldstone to get ice cream. it was yummy. so after that my dad took my back to the Thomas' and i stayed for the rest of the mid school group. it was awesome. those kids are genuises!!!!! a lot of fun too. then after the study we played a game and just hung out. it was fun. im hoping to go back i just have to check with JB first because of issues and such. so yesterday was a good day. today was boring


After His Heart said...

ah! i feel so bad that you proably got those form my stairs! i suck! lol...going over to robert's house all the time eh? he he he...have fun cutie!

After His Heart said...

OH! and yay for getting into...Tech...idk what that is but YAY!!!!

Marissa said...

lol the doc said its just a virus i didn't get it from you. wifey i swear you are going down! lol and tis a college in Socorro

After His Heart said...

lol it'll be funny when you two get together! awww....remember though....relationships don't last! and be mysterious! haha

Marissa said...

CARLY HE READS MY BLOG! i am deleting these 2 comments k?>

Marissa said...

ok maybe im not stupid blogger.

After His Heart said...

lol...sorry...i was joking?

Marissa said...

lol i love that little question mark

Robert said...

Y'know...if you're just honest, and not mysterious, relationships will go where God wants them, don't you think?

And if you wanna delete a comment just click on the little trashcan by the end of the comment. Then it'll say it's been removed by the author.

Marissa said...

well relationships will go where God wants them regardless of whether a person is honest or mysterious. and thanks now i know how to keep a reign on carly's wonderful mind

Robert said...

Well, not really. You have to keep them there, or else they don't glorify Him. Honesty is a big staple there.

Robert said...

btw, I am excited that you're able to come to group.

Marissa said...

thats true. actually does being mysterious having really anything to do with it? oh me too. i don't need a book do i?

Robert said...

Nah, I borrow one of theirs.

Marissa said...

ok ill prolly just look for my brother's and steal that

Robert said...

ok that'll work.

After His Heart said...

haha...this is a long post. about mystery, marissa, i was just saying that guys like to chase, so just don't like it when you babble about yourself forever! haha...and GOD is amazing though. yay Jesus!
...hee hee,i like my mind...i don't need to be reigned in :P
but then's not my place anyway

Marissa said...

lol like the babbling of someone who know and love? yea i like your mind too. i also appreciate your thoughts on my drab life

Liz said...

lol I didn't mean nerd in a bad way, I am really excited for you! You are going to do really well at Tech.

and personally, I dont think guys like to chase at all. I think realtionships last because of good communication and honesty, not mysteriousness and playing hard to get. I think just being yourself and being real is the best way to keep your relationship healthy

Marissa said...

ah thanks liz that makes me feel better.
well they might not like the chase but i know that it gets boring if we know everything about each other. well sometimes being mysterious is who you are. lol i cannot believe that we are having a discussion about this on my blog with you, carly, robert, and i. lol this is funny

Robert said...

I personally would prefer knowing everything about someone, as opposed to guessing all the time...
Don't you think it makes things easier? And better off in the long run? How would it be boring if we knew each other well?

Liz said...

i think there is a difference between mysterious and quiet. and I think that you are using mysterious in the wrong way. I think that yes, it can get boring when you know everything about each other, but not necessarily. I think you have a lot of time before you get to know each other completely, and there will be things you learn about each other everyday. I think thats how relationships are. but I think the if you are saying mysterious like not being honest and not communicating what you are thinking, and not telling the other person when something is bothering you, that is not healthy for a relationship.

I think you should just be yourself, and have fun, and not worry about trying to "be" something. just have fun and enjoy it, we are just teenagers

Marissa said...

well like knowing who someone is i think should be known right away. i think though that they are things that need to be left unsaid until you know for sure if the other is the one God has for you. im actually not sure how it would be boring. maybe it won't be boring. idk. i just like it when i find out something new about someone. maybe im just weird

Marissa said...

geez you 2 are going to make my hands fall off. (this is a reply to elizabeth) i think being mysterious means that your not blurting everything out at one time or over a short period of time. when your in a relationship if your trying to "be" something it ruins it. i know someone who tried to be nice and the perfect guy and it hurt the girl when she found out he was not that. lol ahh my brain! ok last comment. we should enjoy it but we still have to be careful. ok im tired. blah.

Liz said...

lol you aren't weird, and I do agree with robert about the boring thing. I think that you should just be who you are and dont try to be anything else, mysterious or whatever. just have fun!
Like the fun we are going to have at prom wooohooo!!!!!

Robert said...

Not blurting out everything at one time basically makes you normal...right?

Marissa said...

alright to elizabeth and i guess yes you robert. im not going to be sleeping tonight.

Robert said...

lol, don't sweat it. These things are not that big of a deal.

Marissa said...

oh of course not thats why there are 17 comments about it here. well this was interesting