Wednesday, March 05, 2008


So on saturday my church started their first highschool only service. It was pretty good. Good message and there were no silly middle schoolers to be found. Then after service, we played this game called KGB(named after the russian mafia). So how the game was supposed to be played was all the leaders would get in their cars and drive around the aread from out church up to Hastings. All the kids were supposed to make their way to Hastings and back without getting caught by the KGB. So the leaders left then the rest of his teenagers got on our way. Elizabeth and I thought it would be better if we waited till everyone else left so we were like really far behind everyone. We just walked slowly and talked for a while. Then we got to this big field and had just started crossing it when we see this lone figure come running. Elizabeth started shouting "Who are you? State your name!" or something like that (shes so cute). Well all of a sudden we hear this evil laugh and realize its Tasha, my pastor's wife. She tagged Eizabeth and i was slowly walking away trying to keep distance between myself and Tasha. She was trying to get me to come over there but i didn't want to. Then she said that if we got tagged, we became KGB and could tag other people so i let her tag me. Then Elizabeth and I went off in search of unsuspecting people. We didn't really see anyone till we got to hastings and there was like a huge group there! but we couldn't tag them so we just headed back to the church. Then we were walking behind some buildings and we see Robert and Doug walking by us. Elizabeth asked them if they had been tagged ands they says yes (i think) then Robert asked us if we had. Apparetly we didn't asnwer fast enough because he and Doug took off running. I chased Doug for like 30 seconds then got too tired and let him get away. So i started walking all alone when Elizabeth calls me, telling me that Robert is walking a ways behind me and to tag him. So i asked these 2 guys near me if they could help me and this one guy was like "sure" and took off after Robert. I didn't actually see this take place but according to ELizabeth the guy was like a major runner. His friend was there too and they had his way blocked and he started running towards where i was. So i started running to see if i could catch him and i barely grabbed his shirt. So i finally tagged someone! sorta.. but yea then we made our way back to the church and hung out. Then everyone went to Dions and yea.. it was weird. So that was my saturday night? How was yours?


Robert said...

I you hadn't ducked around that corner when you did I would have been home free too.

Marissa said...

ha but i didn't!!! sucker!!!! lol im actually surprised we got you..

Robert said...

I think you meant "ha but I did!!"

Just a guess...

I am too actually. I so wanted to make it back without being caught. That athletic guy would have probably gotten me eventually.

Marissa said...

lol no i didn't.. duck around the corner.. its for that part.. lol well you should feel pleased that i had to get some athletic guy to do it cause im too weak to have done it