Thursday, January 10, 2008

Stomach Burns

ok so yesterday i woke up feeling sick so i put a heating pad on my stomach to help the pain. so then i got up at 630 to get ready for school and i saw that i had burned my stomach!!!! i was so happy!!!!! haha so i was telling everyone about it at school. then for literature we finished early so started rehearsing for these skits we have to do. We would say our lines then me and my friend would start talking about Twilight. Then i would interupt her and start the lines again so we wouldn't get sidetracked. When we finished that one we started talking about the book again!!! i think we drove this other guy crazy haha. after school i had math and i was kinda nervous because i was starting Advanced math. My teacher was going over the stuff with me and we realized that it might take me a long time to get through this book. Not too happy about that cause i want to get ahead. Oh well. Then smal group went well i actually had a normal conversation with a friend that i haven't realy talked to or hung out with in a while It was funny our conversation was about this girl thats been stalking him for the past few months. Ha silly boy hes funny. This morning was just boring with school and such. Then i was doing my hair and my mom figured out that we could cut some of my hair to make it look a little more like a bob cause i want to cut my hair like that. Its not exactly what i want but tis better then it was yesterday. So now im just sitting around waiting for it to be 930 because i get to go to Blades with my youth group, my wife, and all the amazing people i love. Its just sad that some amazingly awesome people won't be there.. sniff so my hands are hurting. That might be sign of too much typing. maybe i should go